Tuesday 8 January 2019

My First Short Story...

Writing was always hard for me when I first started.  I couldn't write a good story if my life depended on it.  Why?  Because I was trying to write for everybody else, and not myself.  If you try and write a story for someone because they want you to, you may find it harder to write altogether. 

When I was in year 7 at high-school, writing was not my strong point... like at all...  I had never written before and I had no idea how, or why I was even writing in the first place.

Upon entering year 8, we had to write another story.  We had a few weeks to complete it and I always replied, "you can read it when it is finished" to my teacher who asked where it was... #TRUTH... I hadn't started.  Then a few days before it was due, I had a bit of a bad night (suffering from mental health is a little crazy!) and I wrote a story that gave me 100% mark.  Because I wrote for myself, from my heart.  Not from everyone else's heart.

Although I no longer have that story on paper or on my computer - the basis of it was about a young girl who confided in horses due to having an abusive father who in the end shot her off her horse (before you ask where the mother was - she died in childbirth).  At this point in my life, horses (they still are) were a big part of my life and my dad and I had gotten in a major argument.

So here is the first piece of advice I will give you...

Write for you.  Because if you don't write YOUR stories, for YOU... Your stories won't end up half as good as what they could be.

Thanks for reading!
Meli xoxo

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