Saturday 16 February 2019

Steps to Writing (Part 2)

Hey Guys!

Have you ever wondered how to write the best story?
Well let me help you do this is 20 easy steps.  20 sounds like a lot.  It's better than saying “1 step: Write it” right?!!


  • Notebook
  • Pen or pencil
  • Computer/Laptop or whatever you use to type your stories on.

Here are the next 5 steps to get your novel started!!
Stay tuned for the next 2 days to get he last half!!

Step SIX:

Quotes & Quips
You can work on this step for as long or as little as you like. And you can keep adding to it whenever you think of something!
Quote: A line or phrase that someone else says (In which you have to credit* the person who says it), or a unique line or phrase that you, yourself come up with.
In the case of your novel, your character might be a famous actor and make a quote saying "bananas are orange not yellow!" This would then become a quote written by you, (in which people would have to credit you).
Quip: A humouring remark.

[*credit. Crediting is when you use someone else's work, i.e songs, lyrics, quotes etc. (With permission) you thank them at the beginning/ending of your work for allowing you to use their work, or (without permission) saying that the work you have used (of theirs) is NOT yours and actually belongs to someone else - writing the original owners credentials.]


This is where you create the story-line. You create the first line of your story and opening scene; and the ending scene of your book (if you have an idea of the ending you want!) You write down what you want to happen in your book. Similar to the Story Layout but I tend to only write a story line for the very first chapter and if I want to I will do the other chapter as well. Basically you just figure out what you want to happen in the story and where with a lot more detail than 1-2 lines.

You can also write down any plot twists you want to happen; and write down rough drafts of what you want to happen in particular scenes.


Dedication: You know how there is usually a page at the start of the book that says "For my dearest son and daughter" or whatever! That is the dedication.  You could just write "For my dearest Boredom" if you really wanted to!  Or just don't write one at all.

Step NINE:

Title: The title is literally just the title!  What are you going to call your book?  The best thing you can do is make sure the title is catchy and brings the readers in because then the readers will remember it; and don't make it too long either.

Step TEN:

The First Chapter

The first chapter would have to be one of the most important chapter of the book.  Because if you can't convince your reader to stay for following chapters, in the first chapter, then unfortunately it wont go very far!
Write a rough draft. Writing a rough draft is good.  Who cares about the grammar mistakes and punctuation mistakes; that's the whole point of a 'rough' draft.
Scrutinise it harshly!  Judge yourself as harsh as possible with the first chapter, even if it means you chuck it away and start again.  Although I suggest not erasing it completely - print it out and keep it a 'failed attempts' folder.  Then if you end up with a few too many go and highlight the best parts of your first chapters and combine them. Somehow!
Then finally, Write and complete the first chapter.  Once you have written the first chapter think of it like its a wedding dress.  People (and I say people can if a 'boy' wants to wear a wedding dress then he can a wear a bloody wedding dress.  I will happily take photos with them!! Anyway back on track...) have to pick the PERFECT dress and they have to LOVE IT!  So if you don't LOVE your first chapter then keep writing until you absolutely love it.

Tune in tomorrow (Feb 17) for the next 5 steps on writing a good book!

Missed the last one.  Click Here to find it!

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Steps to Writing (Step 4)

Hey Guys! Have you ever wondered how to write the best story? Well let me help you do this is 20 easy steps.  20 sounds like a lot.  ...