Thursday 14 February 2019



NAME (Choose a name for your character)

Gender:  (Are they male, female, transgender, both genders, neither gender etc.)
Orientation: (Straight, Gay, Lesbian, bisexual, pansexual etc.)
Date of Birth:  (When is their birthday?)
Address:  (Where do they live?)
Qualities:  (What is good about them?  Pretty, smart, etc)
Likes:  (What do they like?)
Dislikes:  (What don't they like?)

Hair colour: (What colour is their hair?)
Eye colour:  (Their eye colour)
Height:  (How tall are they?)
Weight:  (How much do they weigh?  Or even just write down skinny, chubby, fat, overweight, etc.)
Style:  (What style are they.  Punk, Gothic, preppy teen, baggy etc.)

Favourite colour:  (What is their favourite colour?)
Favourite food:  (What is their favourite food?)
Favourite place:  (What is their favourite place to be or want to go?)

Family:  (Do they have family - who?)
Friends:  (Do they have friends, best friends - who?)

Development issues:  (Do they have a mental illness, physical illness, amputation, deaf, blind etc.)

Quotes they might say: (List the characters favourite quotes.  Or you might think of something you want them to say but don't know how to add it in just yet so you can write them in here.)

What is their role:  (What are they in the story.  The main character/protagonist, mum, dad, brother, sister, friend, etc.)

Anything else you want to remember about/to happen to your character:

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