Saturday 16 February 2019

Steps to Writing (Part 3)

Hey Guys!

Have you ever wondered how to write the best story?
Well let me help you do this is 20 easy steps.  20 sounds like a lot.  It's better than saying “1 step: Write it” right?!!


  • Notebook
  • Pen or pencil
  • Computer/Laptop or whatever you use to type your stories on.

Here are the next 5 steps to get your novel started!!
Stay tuned tomorrow for the last 5!


Start Writing
Think of a schedule. You don't have to write every day but try right for a certain amount of time at least 4 days a week. I try to write every day for at least an hour and honestly it works so well. People suggest writing for 3 hours and 4 hours but when you are opening a new business, working 8 hours a day on your day-job and have animals that need training and so on and so on... 1 hour a day is perfect.


3 Chapters
Every time you finish that group of 3 chapters; go back and read over them. Change anything that doesn't suit and really edit them. Get someone else to read it even. The best thing I find is go to the beach when the sun is rising or setting, or go somewhere quiet and different. Just somewhere you don't usually go to edit them. You wouldn't believe how free your mind is at a place that isn't familiar. Make sure you LOVE it!


Create a Cover
Now that you have created at least 3 chapters that you absolutely love and have a story planted in your head; you can create a cover.  The cover is really important.  You have make the cover inviting because a lot of people judge books by their cover!

Prologue & Blurb
Prologue: Is that bit in the front of the book that everybody skips because it is so annoying.  If you can, try not to need to write one and if you have to write one make it short - not the size of a chapter.
A prologue's job is to fill in all the gaps in the story.  Its just extra information that you want in your book but don't want it in the first chapter.  It is still part of the story so you do have to write as if it were part of the story but it's not chapter 1.
Blurb: The blurb is that piece of writing on the back of the book.  It is basically a quick, but inviting summary of the book; leaving suspense.  You have to write in a way that makes the reader want to read it.

Complete the Book
Now it's time to complete the book!
Good luck!

Tune in tomorrow (Feb 18) for the last 5 steps on writing a good book!
Missed the last few? 
Click Here for Part 1
Click Here for Part 2

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Steps to Writing (Step 4)

Hey Guys! Have you ever wondered how to write the best story? Well let me help you do this is 20 easy steps.  20 sounds like a lot.  ...