Thursday 14 February 2019

Steps to Writing (Part 1)

Hey Guys!

Have you ever wondered how to write the best story?
Well let me help you do this is 20 easy steps.  20 sounds like a lot.  It's better than saying “1 step: Write it” right?!!


  • Notebook
  • Pen or pencil
  • Computer/Laptop or whatever you use to type your stories on.

Here are the first 5 steps to Get your novel started!!

Step ONE:
Thought Bubble
This is where you think of a story idea.  Create a mind map.  Sit down for at least an hour and write down literally everything that pops into your head.  From wizards and warlocks to cheese and sausages!  Write down everything.  

Step TWO:
Take a Day
“Take a Day” is aimed at giving your brain a rest.  Forget about the story.  Although you are eager to start at this stage you need to remember to relax. 

This is where you pick your story. Go through all the ideas you wrote down and pick the ones you think would make a great story.  Write them on the next page as dot points.  Write as many scenarios as you can using the ideas you came up with and pick your favourite.

Step FOUR:
Story Layout
Grab a new page in your notebook and write your skeleton.  Imagine your novel to be like a your skeleton.  You have the basic - one (or more) line(s) plot summary - of chapter one; your skull.  Your second chapters - one (or more) line(s) plot summary - your neck bones.  Do this until you get to you feet; your last chapter or were you would like your story to finish.  You can add the flesh and skin and features in later.

Step FIVE:
Write down a list of your definite characters. i.e. protagonist (main character) and their family or best friend.  Maybe you have a killer or just anyone that plays a huge roll in your story.
Give them a character profile - name, height, appearance, what their role is in the story.  Everything you can think of.

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Steps to Writing (Step 4)

Hey Guys! Have you ever wondered how to write the best story? Well let me help you do this is 20 easy steps.  20 sounds like a lot.  ...