Monday 18 February 2019

Steps to Writing (Step 4)

Hey Guys!

Have you ever wondered how to write the best story?
Well let me help you do this is 20 easy steps.  20 sounds like a lot.  It's better than saying “1 step: Write it” right?!!


  • Notebook
  • Pen or pencil
  • Computer/Laptop or whatever you use to type your stories on.

Here are the next 5 steps to get your novel started!!
Stay tuned tomorrow for the last 5!

Beta Readers
Now is the best time you get a few people that you TRUST to read your book, or an editor. You are almost finished or are finished. And remember that ALL FEEDBACK IS KEY. All the good and the bad. Bad is better because it helps you create the perfect book.

Edit from feedback
When everyone has come back with their feedback, write them all down and work on each one. Keep sending your book back until they all come back and say its perfect or you truly believe that it is 100% perfect.

Take a day (or two)
Now is the time to take a break.  Sit back and relax knowing that you have completed your book!  Taking a day gives your brain a rest so that when you go back over it, you can read it with fresh eyes and fix any missed mistakes.

Final Edit
The final edit is the last edit before publishing.  After this one there is no more editing.  It is 110% complete.

PUBLISHED!!  Well done!  

Hope you enjoyed these easy steps on writing a good book!
Missed the last few?
Click Here for Part 1
Click Here for Part 2
Click Here for Part 3

Saturday 16 February 2019

Steps to Writing (Part 3)

Hey Guys!

Have you ever wondered how to write the best story?
Well let me help you do this is 20 easy steps.  20 sounds like a lot.  It's better than saying “1 step: Write it” right?!!


  • Notebook
  • Pen or pencil
  • Computer/Laptop or whatever you use to type your stories on.

Here are the next 5 steps to get your novel started!!
Stay tuned tomorrow for the last 5!


Start Writing
Think of a schedule. You don't have to write every day but try right for a certain amount of time at least 4 days a week. I try to write every day for at least an hour and honestly it works so well. People suggest writing for 3 hours and 4 hours but when you are opening a new business, working 8 hours a day on your day-job and have animals that need training and so on and so on... 1 hour a day is perfect.


3 Chapters
Every time you finish that group of 3 chapters; go back and read over them. Change anything that doesn't suit and really edit them. Get someone else to read it even. The best thing I find is go to the beach when the sun is rising or setting, or go somewhere quiet and different. Just somewhere you don't usually go to edit them. You wouldn't believe how free your mind is at a place that isn't familiar. Make sure you LOVE it!


Create a Cover
Now that you have created at least 3 chapters that you absolutely love and have a story planted in your head; you can create a cover.  The cover is really important.  You have make the cover inviting because a lot of people judge books by their cover!

Prologue & Blurb
Prologue: Is that bit in the front of the book that everybody skips because it is so annoying.  If you can, try not to need to write one and if you have to write one make it short - not the size of a chapter.
A prologue's job is to fill in all the gaps in the story.  Its just extra information that you want in your book but don't want it in the first chapter.  It is still part of the story so you do have to write as if it were part of the story but it's not chapter 1.
Blurb: The blurb is that piece of writing on the back of the book.  It is basically a quick, but inviting summary of the book; leaving suspense.  You have to write in a way that makes the reader want to read it.

Complete the Book
Now it's time to complete the book!
Good luck!

Tune in tomorrow (Feb 18) for the last 5 steps on writing a good book!
Missed the last few? 
Click Here for Part 1
Click Here for Part 2

Steps to Writing (Part 2)

Hey Guys!

Have you ever wondered how to write the best story?
Well let me help you do this is 20 easy steps.  20 sounds like a lot.  It's better than saying “1 step: Write it” right?!!


  • Notebook
  • Pen or pencil
  • Computer/Laptop or whatever you use to type your stories on.

Here are the next 5 steps to get your novel started!!
Stay tuned for the next 2 days to get he last half!!

Step SIX:

Quotes & Quips
You can work on this step for as long or as little as you like. And you can keep adding to it whenever you think of something!
Quote: A line or phrase that someone else says (In which you have to credit* the person who says it), or a unique line or phrase that you, yourself come up with.
In the case of your novel, your character might be a famous actor and make a quote saying "bananas are orange not yellow!" This would then become a quote written by you, (in which people would have to credit you).
Quip: A humouring remark.

[*credit. Crediting is when you use someone else's work, i.e songs, lyrics, quotes etc. (With permission) you thank them at the beginning/ending of your work for allowing you to use their work, or (without permission) saying that the work you have used (of theirs) is NOT yours and actually belongs to someone else - writing the original owners credentials.]


This is where you create the story-line. You create the first line of your story and opening scene; and the ending scene of your book (if you have an idea of the ending you want!) You write down what you want to happen in your book. Similar to the Story Layout but I tend to only write a story line for the very first chapter and if I want to I will do the other chapter as well. Basically you just figure out what you want to happen in the story and where with a lot more detail than 1-2 lines.

You can also write down any plot twists you want to happen; and write down rough drafts of what you want to happen in particular scenes.


Dedication: You know how there is usually a page at the start of the book that says "For my dearest son and daughter" or whatever! That is the dedication.  You could just write "For my dearest Boredom" if you really wanted to!  Or just don't write one at all.

Step NINE:

Title: The title is literally just the title!  What are you going to call your book?  The best thing you can do is make sure the title is catchy and brings the readers in because then the readers will remember it; and don't make it too long either.

Step TEN:

The First Chapter

The first chapter would have to be one of the most important chapter of the book.  Because if you can't convince your reader to stay for following chapters, in the first chapter, then unfortunately it wont go very far!
Write a rough draft. Writing a rough draft is good.  Who cares about the grammar mistakes and punctuation mistakes; that's the whole point of a 'rough' draft.
Scrutinise it harshly!  Judge yourself as harsh as possible with the first chapter, even if it means you chuck it away and start again.  Although I suggest not erasing it completely - print it out and keep it a 'failed attempts' folder.  Then if you end up with a few too many go and highlight the best parts of your first chapters and combine them. Somehow!
Then finally, Write and complete the first chapter.  Once you have written the first chapter think of it like its a wedding dress.  People (and I say people can if a 'boy' wants to wear a wedding dress then he can a wear a bloody wedding dress.  I will happily take photos with them!! Anyway back on track...) have to pick the PERFECT dress and they have to LOVE IT!  So if you don't LOVE your first chapter then keep writing until you absolutely love it.

Tune in tomorrow (Feb 17) for the next 5 steps on writing a good book!

Missed the last one.  Click Here to find it!

Thursday 14 February 2019

Steps to Writing (Part 1)

Hey Guys!

Have you ever wondered how to write the best story?
Well let me help you do this is 20 easy steps.  20 sounds like a lot.  It's better than saying “1 step: Write it” right?!!


  • Notebook
  • Pen or pencil
  • Computer/Laptop or whatever you use to type your stories on.

Here are the first 5 steps to Get your novel started!!

Step ONE:
Thought Bubble
This is where you think of a story idea.  Create a mind map.  Sit down for at least an hour and write down literally everything that pops into your head.  From wizards and warlocks to cheese and sausages!  Write down everything.  

Step TWO:
Take a Day
“Take a Day” is aimed at giving your brain a rest.  Forget about the story.  Although you are eager to start at this stage you need to remember to relax. 

This is where you pick your story. Go through all the ideas you wrote down and pick the ones you think would make a great story.  Write them on the next page as dot points.  Write as many scenarios as you can using the ideas you came up with and pick your favourite.

Step FOUR:
Story Layout
Grab a new page in your notebook and write your skeleton.  Imagine your novel to be like a your skeleton.  You have the basic - one (or more) line(s) plot summary - of chapter one; your skull.  Your second chapters - one (or more) line(s) plot summary - your neck bones.  Do this until you get to you feet; your last chapter or were you would like your story to finish.  You can add the flesh and skin and features in later.

Step FIVE:
Write down a list of your definite characters. i.e. protagonist (main character) and their family or best friend.  Maybe you have a killer or just anyone that plays a huge roll in your story.
Give them a character profile - name, height, appearance, what their role is in the story.  Everything you can think of.



NAME (Choose a name for your character)

Gender:  (Are they male, female, transgender, both genders, neither gender etc.)
Orientation: (Straight, Gay, Lesbian, bisexual, pansexual etc.)
Date of Birth:  (When is their birthday?)
Address:  (Where do they live?)
Qualities:  (What is good about them?  Pretty, smart, etc)
Likes:  (What do they like?)
Dislikes:  (What don't they like?)

Hair colour: (What colour is their hair?)
Eye colour:  (Their eye colour)
Height:  (How tall are they?)
Weight:  (How much do they weigh?  Or even just write down skinny, chubby, fat, overweight, etc.)
Style:  (What style are they.  Punk, Gothic, preppy teen, baggy etc.)

Favourite colour:  (What is their favourite colour?)
Favourite food:  (What is their favourite food?)
Favourite place:  (What is their favourite place to be or want to go?)

Family:  (Do they have family - who?)
Friends:  (Do they have friends, best friends - who?)

Development issues:  (Do they have a mental illness, physical illness, amputation, deaf, blind etc.)

Quotes they might say: (List the characters favourite quotes.  Or you might think of something you want them to say but don't know how to add it in just yet so you can write them in here.)

What is their role:  (What are they in the story.  The main character/protagonist, mum, dad, brother, sister, friend, etc.)

Anything else you want to remember about/to happen to your character:

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Check out my Facebook page!!

Hey Everyone

Don't forget to check out my page on facebook and I have just published my book on Amazon Kindle so will post that later!!

Sunday 10 February 2019

It's harder than you think!

It's harder than you think!

Writing never comes easy... But thoughts do. You can make any thought into an amazing story. No matter who you are. If you have hit a pothole and developed a flat tire - I can help you change it.  Fly me a message and I will happily write you a skeleton*.

*skeleton - This is where someone (In this case, me!) writes you a storyline, like a skeleton.  And you have to give it the flesh and beauty. 

Nobody can straight out right an amazing best selling story. You have to work hard. Start off writing small stories as I have done, and spreading love everywhere, on all social media networks. Eventually, you can turn this into a career as I hope to do.

Just believe in yourself.

Lots of love xoxo

Friday 11 January 2019

Do you struggle to find a story line?

Do you struggle to find a storyline?

One of the best things I found when I wanted to write but struggled to find something to write about was find a picture to use as a reference.

Writing a story from a picture is challenging but it gives you the storyline.  And every person is able to produce a different story.

Maybe as the page continues on I can make weekly competitions to write a short story from a photo and the winner gets a shoutout plus the story on my blog!!

If you have an idea and need help with a storyline just fly me an email or a message and I will be more than happy to help you out as much as I can.

Meli xoxo

Thursday 10 January 2019

Hey Beautiful People

Writing a book sounds so goddamn hard when you don't have anything to write about.  I don't know how many times I tried to "write a book" when I was younger.

The best thing to do is aim small.

Write a story that is 500 words.  Once you have completed that... And find it easy to write 500 words.
Write a story that is 750 words.
Then 1000 words.
And you can work your way up.

Don't stress too much either.  I have been actually writing for about 2-3 years now and I still haven't reached 2000 words :)

So my advice to you is...

Start small and work your way up.  Don't expect to be able to write some amazing 500-page novel on your first go.

Meli xoxo

Tuesday 8 January 2019

My First Short Story...

Writing was always hard for me when I first started.  I couldn't write a good story if my life depended on it.  Why?  Because I was trying to write for everybody else, and not myself.  If you try and write a story for someone because they want you to, you may find it harder to write altogether. 

When I was in year 7 at high-school, writing was not my strong point... like at all...  I had never written before and I had no idea how, or why I was even writing in the first place.

Upon entering year 8, we had to write another story.  We had a few weeks to complete it and I always replied, "you can read it when it is finished" to my teacher who asked where it was... #TRUTH... I hadn't started.  Then a few days before it was due, I had a bit of a bad night (suffering from mental health is a little crazy!) and I wrote a story that gave me 100% mark.  Because I wrote for myself, from my heart.  Not from everyone else's heart.

Although I no longer have that story on paper or on my computer - the basis of it was about a young girl who confided in horses due to having an abusive father who in the end shot her off her horse (before you ask where the mother was - she died in childbirth).  At this point in my life, horses (they still are) were a big part of my life and my dad and I had gotten in a major argument.

So here is the first piece of advice I will give you...

Write for you.  Because if you don't write YOUR stories, for YOU... Your stories won't end up half as good as what they could be.

Thanks for reading!
Meli xoxo

Steps to Writing (Step 4)

Hey Guys! Have you ever wondered how to write the best story? Well let me help you do this is 20 easy steps.  20 sounds like a lot.  ...